Thursday 9 June 2011

Tools For Marketing and Social Media of wrold

The absolutely most effective social media tools for marketing are Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace. How should a marketer go about using these tools? It may seem obvious, but a marketer must connect with very many people to be effective. Notice I said "people", not companies or product fan pages. You have to have procedures in place to sift and sort out other marketers to focus in on real everyday people who will be receptive to your product.
You do not have to exclude all marketers from your social media connection but be wary of profiles that exist only for marketing purposes.
For example, before you follow someone on Twitter (in the hope that they will follow you back) check out their Tweets to make sure they don't consist of incessant advertising Tweets with a link to a product website. You can sort through Twitter users quickly by using the search tool bar at the Twitter home page and typing in your topic and then "-http" and "-www" to only search for people who are Tweeting about your niche without including a website URL. These people are laser targeted prospects.
Use this same tactic with Facebook and MySpace. When you search for potential friends by topic you can sort out the marketers as easily but you can briefly examine the profiles of the people you want to connect with to make sure that they are profiles of real everyday people. Look for profiles with lots of pictures, summary of interests, and make sure that the person is interested in the niche that you are marketing. When using social media tools for marketing you'll waste a lot of time if you connect with no one except other marketers.
Do this same sort of thing with YouTube. Search for videos on your niche and then check out the video publisher's channel. Go through their friends list and subscriber list to find others who are interested in that niche and send friend requests. Make sure to include a personal message with each request. After you have gotten a nice little list of friends, start making videos relative to your niche and share them with your YouTube friends. Also share these videos with your Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter connections through your status updates.

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