Saturday 27 August 2011

Close Friends Magic

I must admit, I don't make the time to see my close friends as much as I should. Time just seems to slip by so quickly and before you know it months go by without contact.
But then something happens...usually we're wondering about each other at the same time and one of us picks up the phone or sends an email.
The response is almost always the same, "I was just thinking about you". Call it coincidence or the law of attraction or just dumb luck but there's something magical going on with me and my close friends.
We don't apologize for the delay... we respect the busy-ness in each other's lives and know that "now" is the right time to catch up and share our life with someone who will listen to our deepest sorrow or joyous triumphs.
We take our turns...rambling on is allowed. There's always one of us who needs the call more than the other and we take the time to listen.
We have history...we know each other's weaknesses and strengths. We don't need any egos because we now accept each other as equals, no matter what our social or financial status might be.
We're right for each other...We've waded through all the acquaintances and people who we thought would be our next new friend. Almost all of them drifted away or are people we merely socialize with. Are they fun? Are they great people? Of course they are but we don't breath as freely around them. We still have our guard up. They're not "close".
We can count on each other... we always seem to call each other when one of us truly needs a friend. We're allowed to comment on the other's situation and have learned to do it in a caring and un-egotistical manner so it's not just our "advice". We mostly just listen when the other has the floor. We don't text or email the important stuff. We need to hear each other's voice and maybe share a few tears.
We're grateful... we know we have something special and value our friendship. We know that we truly only need a few special friends in life and cherish our pasts, present and future. We have a bond that truly is magical. We support, share and give every time we communicate.
My wish to everyone is to truly appreciate those friends that you call "close". As time goes by, the history and friendship creates a bond that simply is unbreakable and magical.
... and to my "close" friends, you know who you are..."thanks". You make my world so easy just because you're you. I'll love you forever... Heather

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