Saturday 27 August 2011

Relationships And Understanding

Understanding relationships have been subjected to criticism and social attacks. A lot of people do not believe that true relationships can ever be attained in these present times, where our societies are characterized with mistrust, violence and fraudulent practices.

In any relationship, there must an element of communication which enhances the sharing of feelings, hopes, aspirations and other things between two or more people.
However, there are different types of relationships and it is very essential to know the basis of any relationship. This is because; the foundation of relationship will either determine its longevity or short-lived tendency. It will be very important to mention some few factors which will throw more light on this subject matter.
These basic factors are mentioned below:-
It is very essential to know the purpose of any relationship that one must go into. There are many relationships and each one has its purpose. For instance, the purpose of two persons coming together to form a business relationship is to engage in business dealings, so at the end, proceeds from such business entity will be shared. This is very vital in a business relationship. The definition of purpose in a particular relationship will go a longer way, either to make or break such relationship.
It is generally believed that, good thing with long durability must have good foundation. Thus, relationship is no exception. It really matters, if relationship has good foundation or not. By foundation, it is meant that, there must be a basis for such relationship. Wrong foundation will often lead to bad relationship and parties involved must critically assess their individual qualities. In some cases, foundation may mean discipline.
All relationships are beneficial in one form or the other. Since human beings cannot isolate themselves from one other, hence, it is very vital to know that in any relationship, there must be something gainful. Here, selfish motives are not being referred to as the gains or benefits of a typical relationship.
Relationship that stands the test of time is often based on honesty. Many relationships in forms of business, love, family and so on are based on honesty among the groups that are involved. This vital ingredient is something that has been missing in today's type of relationship. Few people are very honest with themselves talk less with their partners.
Relationship that wants to last for ages must accept trust as its foundation. Without this essential virtue nothing can be done in any form of relationships. It is a pre-requisite to the happiness and fair dealings among members of a particular relationship.
Time is one of the essential factors which must be critically studied as far as any relationship is concerned. Relationships need time to grow and mature to the stage, where all the parties involved must have self confidence and the ability to trust one another. It is on this basis that, most relationships crumble. This is a foundational basis for any type of relationship. The amount of time use to understudy partners in relationship is directly related to the time limits of such relationship.
From the above, these factors are the bedrock of any type of relationship that exists. Understanding relationships will go a longer way in solving most of the problems associated with bad relationship.

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